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A series of digital prints exploring the sentiment and meaning of home in our lives.



My deeper inquiries and explorations on dwelling and home began during my graduate thesis studies in architecture school. 


After initial pressures resided with identifying a thesis direction, I leaned in to a quiet curiosity to question the meaning and significance of home in our lives. My discourse connected me with ideologies rooted in phenomenology, memory, belonging, place, and hapticity. In learning about outside notions of dwelling, I also began to further explore my own personal associations and recollections of home — gaining a heightened connection to my upbringing, my roots, my Polish culture.


The insight garnered from my studies continues to fuel my design thinking and inquiries to this day.

This collection captures the ideologies of home that have resonated with me most.



The house is a mental device and filter as much as it is a protection for our fragile bodies. It houses our dreams and fantasies, memories and desires, fears and whishes, in addition to facilitating the physical acts of dwelling.

Juhani Pallasmaa //  Preface from Nesting: Body, Mind, Dwelling by Sarah Robinson


For our house is our corner of the world. As has often been said, it is our first universe, a real cosmos in every sense of the word. If we look at it intimately, the humblest dwelling has beauty.

Gaston Bachelard // The Poetics of Space / The Classic Look at How We Experience Intimate Places

To dwell means to belong to a given place, and furthermore to possess a house where the heart may blossom and the mind muse.

Christian Norberg-Schulz // The Concept of Dwelling: On The Way To Figurative Architecture


Digital prints echoing the connection and meaning of home in our lives

Printed on heavyweight 80lb cover semi-gloss cardstock paper.
Available in 5"x7" and 8"x10" sizes.

Frames not included.

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On dwelling and belonging


On home, memory, and protection


On home and connection

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